HELLO, WORLD!             _ _                        21 Jun 2023

I'm starting it all over again, like I always do; never stay too
long in one place, lest anybody start to see the patterns, start
to notice that you're *there*.  But the broader point is this,
that I really ought to spend more time writing things, whether
they be good or no.  NeoCities has occupied me here and there,
but the workflow of click and drag and wait for bewebben UI
elements to finally load has come to gall me bit by bit, digging
deep between me ribs.

How much can I cut out of it, really?  Not just on the
client-side, pages stripped of all adornment, but also for me
sitting here with my keyboard and my broken AC unit.  I got to
wondering, and now to typing away in a shell script and a little
C program to wrap input as it comes in, each line falling away
out of reach as it falls from my fingertips, and the whole setup
seems to work fine enough -- meditative, maybe.

An ASCII pair to pen and ink.

Permanence, if I can only tamper down the temptation to slash
and burn afterwards.
